I have been away for awhile, but I am doing OK.
These past two weeks have been the prettiest of the year. All the flowering trees bloomed, the azaleas were magnificent, and every tree came alive. Unfortunately, they clogged up my sinuses and my head feels like it has blown up 10 fold. My eyes are beyond itchy and red and my headaches can bring me to my knees (OK, I do exaggerate). Basically, everything above my shoulders has had a reaction to this lovely spring.
Some years are worse than others, and this one seems to be a doozy. Now I can help myself by staying indoors, but how can I do that after a long winter and with the call of the garden singing to me. It is something many of us put up with because the things we love are more important to us than our comfort. I am also very allergic to cats, yet I have two that are indoors and two more who are our (unofficially) adopted outdoor feline friends. Yes, I am my worst enemy when it comes to my health, but I can't give up what makes me smile and gives me joy.
I am sorry that I have not been keeping up as I usually do with my blogging friends. It has been difficult for me to read lately as my eyes hurt and are very strained. I am using eye drops but so far they haven't made a difference. I also have bouts of vertigo caused by something going on with my hearing and I am one dizzy dame. I keep putting off going to a doctor as I think I will be better tomorrow, and some days that is true. Besides, he will only tell me what I know and give me advice that I will ignore. He will punish me by sending me a big bill. Insurance is not what it used to be.
It is going to rain this week which will be good for my newly planted gardens and will be good for me as the pollen will decrease. I see a reprieve coming.