A holiday weekend and I am doing OK.
Photo Prompt Monday

Mondays PhotoPrompt is a laid back project wherein anyone at anytime can join in..post a picture on a Monday, write something generated by the prompt (prose/poetry/long/short/fiction/nonfiction), read, critique...whatever stirs your pot. You have all week to think about what you want to write (or not). That's just how we roll lol.
If you are going to post a PhotoPrompt or are going to write about a PhotoPrompt or are planning to do some reading and may enjo critiquing please leave a note in comments so everyone can follow
over to your place and see what's happening.
Current list of participants:
June, the wedding month, is almost here. So here is a picture of a young couple taking the chance and committing themselves to each other. It is a start of a new life and there is much to look forward, much to dream about, and much to share. May the years be good, may the troubles be few and may the memories be filled with times of laughter and joy.
Photo Prompt Monday

Mondays PhotoPrompt is a laid back project wherein anyone at anytime can join in..post a picture on a Monday, write something generated by the prompt (prose/poetry/long/short/fiction/nonfiction), read, critique...whatever stirs your pot. You have all week to think about what you want to write (or not). That's just how we roll lol.
If you are going to post a PhotoPrompt or are going to write about a PhotoPrompt or are planning to do some reading and may enjo critiquing please leave a note in comments so everyone can follow
over to your place and see what's happening.
Current list of participants:
June, the wedding month, is almost here. So here is a picture of a young couple taking the chance and committing themselves to each other. It is a start of a new life and there is much to look forward, much to dream about, and much to share. May the years be good, may the troubles be few and may the memories be filled with times of laughter and joy.