Sunday, April 12, 2020

Conversations During Lockdown

Time is not flying by, but I am doing OK.

He (being kind and thoughtful),“You should drink one of those protein drinks that I got for you.”

She (not being in the mood for a protein drink), “hmmm.”

He (being kind and thoughtful), “ What flavor would you like.”

She (not really wanting one now), “ I don’t know.”

He (being kind and thoughtful), “There are two flavors, chocolate and peach.”

She (looking for an out), “I hate peach”.

He (being kind and thoughtful), “ I thought you liked peach.  That is why I bought it for you.”

She (feeing a twinge of guilt), “No, it is not my favorite.”

He (feeling hurt), “Why don’t you just try it.”

She (feeling pressured), “I DON’T like it.”

He (feeling attacked),” I am just trying to help you.”

She (not wanting to be helped, but wanting the conversation to stop), “I’ll drink the chocolate.”

He (being kind and thoughtful), “OK, I’ll get that for you now.”

She (not wanting it now), “hmmm.”

He (an hour later), “You never finished your protein drink that I thought you wanted.”

To be repeated the next day.


  1. Hi, Arleen!

    Laughter is the tonic we all need at this point, dear friend, and reading that testy exchange between man and woman made me laugh. It is typical of the miscommunications I have with Mrs. Shady, not only when we are having a "quarantine quarrel," but all the time. It's how we roll the entire 33 years we've known each other. :)

    I hope you are well. You seem in good spirits and that makes me happy. Take care, have a safe and healthy week and have faith that the light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train. :)

    1. Yes, Shady, a sense of humor and some laughter helps us get through difficult times. Patience and love is necessary also.

      I hope you and your family are doing OK and are hunkering down with some good music.

  2. Similar conversations happen here. Often.
    And when I learn that peach is not the flavour and start to avoid offering it, it beccomes the new favourite. A bit like a cat really.
    Sending non-infection hugs and healthy wishes your way.

    1. Too much togetherness calls for patience and this is a gift we give each other.

  3. Oh dear! There's definitely such a thing as too much together time. Our problem is more that we are TOO forthright with our opinions . . . nothing good comes of that either :D

    Take care, Arleen. As long as you can still see the humour in the situation, you're going to be okay.

    1. I do a lot of “hmmm”. Then I go and talk to myself and feel better. We are doing OK given the circumstances. We can drive each other crazy but are so glad to have each other.

      Take care, Jenny, and stay safe.

  4. Brought a smile to my face. Lovely.

  5. Since I'm staying in place alone, so I'm having these conversations with myself. There are a few things I bought and I think what was I thinking!Lots of cooking, cleaning the kitchen and blogging. Take good care!

    1. Sometimes, the best conversations are with ourselves. We know that those can easily be solved.

      Stay safe and treat yourself well, Carol.

  6. Replies
    1. Not painful, Lucy, just coping and trying to find some humor in the circumstance we are in.

  7. I imagine many similar conversations to this one taking place everywhere. X

  8. Loved this blog post Arleen. A lot of my conversations are with myself and some of them are quite interesting as well. Keep safe and keep well xxx

    1. The older I get, the more I talk to myself, Molly. I need someone to agree with me.

      It is always nice to hear from you, Molly.

  9. It seems to me that, like the failed escapologist you need to get out more. One day soon, hopefully.
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s hopelessly habit-forming Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Oh YES, Barry. The virus and the rain has kept me inside the house this past week but tomorrow I may get to go outside to work in my garden. I am on day 33 of quarantine.

  10. That is so sweet and funny at the same time - and I can just picture it happening! Sweet tho....

  11. *haha* Now be nice, girl. Well, wait a minute, never mind... being "nice" isn't nearly as funny, to read about, as being "naughty". :-D Love, Andrea xoxo

    1. The only way to get through life/marriage/24 hour togetherness is to laugh at those little things that annoy us. Thanks, Andrea.

  12. I couldn't help but laugh a little at this post!!!! I have the sweetest husband BUT!!! THE GUY IS ABOUT TO GET ON MY NERVES!!!!! Too much up close and personal is not always a good thing! I actually saw on TV that the divorce rate in China has soared, so I guess I should be grateful and not say anything negative about my hubby of almost 50 years. But I can understand that if a marriage isn't strong and already has issues, this can probably be a very difficult time for that couple. I am really getting tired of all this and I'm always one that wants to FIX the problem. I can't fix this though and I've just got to learn to accept and keep putting one foot in front of the other....and be thankful we are still healthy. (But I won't promise I won't be biting a certain guy's head off before it's all over:)

    1. Everybody is on edge now and every marriage has its ups and downs. Patience is always needed and so is the ability to laugh especially during the most difficult times. It’s never easy, but nobody ever said it was. Both of us have hearing loss and that is often a blessing.

  13. I can put this down as one good reason to live alone.

  14. Peach?!?? Eeeeew!!! I haven't had that exact conversation, but we have had some repetitive, Meh type conversation here, too. Stay well!


    1. Yes, Peach is Eeeeew, but I know that eventually have to drink it. Maybe I can add vodka and a paper umbrella to it and it will taste better.

      It is hard to find new conversations in quarantine. Not much going on in my house.

  15. A peach protein drink?! I'm with you there, but how nice it would be to have a kind and thoughtful husband around. I know you know this, so I smiled reading this.

    1. It is nice to know others agree that peach is a yucky flavor for a protein drink.

      He was being kind and thoughtful.

  16. Protein Drinks... Gak in any flavor. You at least made a conversation out of it and were Kind, when I'm tense and stressed out, just my LOOK is enough to shut down most conversations that might be inclined not to get the hint. *LOL*

    1. My mom used to have an expression, “Patience is a virtue desired by many, acquired by few.”

  17. Oh to be a fly on the wall in your house! I would've taken the chocolate, and spiced it up with a little ice cream. Of course, you could always add something a little stronger. At least that would help liven up your conversations with yourself. Retired Man loves you and was only trying to help. Next time text him a list of what you really need. He might change his mind if it's more than two items, and you'll be back to peace and quiet! Haha- this was fun, Arleen!


    1. Retired Man likes to be in charge, Julie, albeit in a thoughtful and kind way.

      I hope you are doing well, Julie.

  18. oh how can one resist such a love and care :)

    i think she should be same for him :)
    keep taking great care my friend ,stay blessed and healthy !

    1. She is, and she also has an abundance of patience. I know her personally.

      Take care Baili, and stay inside.

  19. Hahahaha! Nothing better than a good, healthy conversation...and shake!

    Take good care, Arleen. I hope all is well up in your neck of the woods! :)

    1. When all is said and done, we both love to laugh at ourselves.

      We are still inside and hoping to keep the nasty bug away.

  20. That was funny! But now now, girl friend, don’t complain, at least you have someone to talk with and he is willing to give you a drink on top of that! Wouldn’t mind a nice man offering me a drink of whatever right now -:)

    1. I am very grateful for the life I have. Finding humor in our everyday lives, especially now, helps us me get through these difficult days.

  21. Oh dear. It is difficult to accept the kindness of other when we just want to be left alone.

  22. I'm not minding the quiet that's come with the lock down. I don't tend to get bored; but am spending way too much time on the computer. Stay well, and hang in there.

    1. I am trying to spend less time on the computer because of all the bad news, but coming to blogger, I always feel good because of the lovely people I have met here.

  23. Reading this made me feel like a happy little fly on your wall. So to speak. (I reeeeeally don't wanta be a fly. They're lousy pool shooters.)

    Because of hubby's medical issues, we've pretty much been sheltering in place long before it became the norm, and we're perfectly fine with it. We do have similar conversations though, only I'm the one who's usually trying to convince him he wants something. He says I'm trying to turn him into an invalid, but it's painful to watch him struggle to do things he used to do so easily. But as I'm sure you'd agree about your fella, there's no one I'd rather be quarantined with.

    Oh, and I'd never had a protein drink, but I'd probably like the peach. I'm drinking a cup of peach tea right now. Next time he offers you something you really don't want, why not offer to split it with him? :)

    Take care, sweet lady.

    1. I will take your suggestion, Sue, and tell him we should share. No way would he touch that stuff. I don’t mind the drink and it does help me with “energy” but some of those flavors are disgusting to me.
      Like you, we will be staying the course and not venture out too far, but I have read that could be two years. I will bet you that the case of peach protein drink will still be here.

      Again, like you, we are staying safe for each other.

  24. Just stopping by to see how you're doing...I always enjoy seeing sweet comments from you on my posts.Hope y'all are well and healthy!

    1. We are trying our best to do the right thing and staying at home. I am very grateful for any sunny day so that we can go out in our yard and plant some flowers.

  25. Dear Arleen, just chuckled at this conversation. Living alone, I talk only to myself and what I say is--as you indicate here--repeated ad nauseum. In the past few weeks I've found myself scolding Dee Ready a lot for her lackadaisical approach to getting anything done. I'm so behind on my latest writing project. And writing truly is my passion and joy. So I think I've been a little hard on Dee the past few weeks. She, too, will--like "He"--speak kindly and thoughtfully most of the time, but often her conversation is so boring!!!!!! Peace.

    1. Even when I lived with five other people, Dee, I talked to myself often. I needed someone to agree with me or just listen.

      Take care, dear Dee, and be kind to yourself.

    2. Dear Arleen, another friend--one of 25 years--said to me this past week, "Dee, be kind to yourself." So I'm getting the message. In fact, the message has prompted me to shift gears with regard to my writing and its subject matter. Thank you for the gentle push!!! Peace.

  26. Me popping in again to say hi, as I make my blog rounds. Hope you're doing well.

  27. You need to be careful, I'm pretty sure there are laws against Hate Peach.

  28. this is funny, and very real, and I begin to wonder how many people will die not because of the virus, but because of the duration of the virus. I admire your patience.

  29. hello there my friend, so glad you have been by and left a comment. So glad you liked the post about the old records, I just love all the old music. That junk today ain't even music I dont think. Well anyway, I am OLD, so there is that, ha ha LOL. Hope you are doing well. And yes!!--getting out for a drive to ANYWHERE is so so so relaxing and helps the mental outlook so much. Does wonders for me. Take care and stay safe my friend!

    1. I like all kinds of music, Debbie, and I do like many of the artists of today. However, much of the older music takes me back to some very good memories (I tend to forget the bad ones) and I know all the words.

  30. I love this post, Arleen! There's a familiarity to it: In fact lately I've been involved in similar conversations with Norma. 50 years of marriage does not entirely prepare a couple for quarantine.

    1. Nothing prepares us for a quarantine, Geo, and although it is challenging, I am so grateful to not have to do this alone. My Retired Man can make me laugh while driving me crazy.

  31. Hi-ya. Thank you so much for checking on me. On us. Things aren't going so hot right now. The cancer has found a new way to torture my husband... his spine... and he's in the hospital right now. Looks like he'll be moved from there to a rehab center, and they'll be transporting him from there every day for radiation treatments. But we're hanging in there. Talking on the phone every day. (No visitors allowed.) And after the hell that the past couple of weeks has been, I know he's exactly where he needs to be right now. Again, thank you. Your concern means more than I can say.

    1. I am so sad to read this news, Susan. Having family and friends who have been or are presently going thru cancer, I know the toll that it takes on all. I am glad that Smarticus is in the right place and getting the needed care. I send you positive thoughts and virtual hugs.

    2. Oceans of caring are flowing your way from here too.

  32. OMG! I thought you had my house bugged! This sounds too much like the conversations I have with my 92 year old mother. lol

  33. happy spring my friend !

    how nice that you are enjoying your spring by peaking in your own garden ,same here :)
    wishing you more happiness and grace of Lord!

  34. As I am one, the scene is not quite the same.
    I have never met a protein drink I could get past my lips, not to mention down my throat. I encounter so many medical professionals and even friends who push those things. And I relish reciting what poison they are. Just read the ingredients. More money making schemes by big pharma.
