Really annoyed but doing OK

This past week, an almost 70 year old woman has been hawking a book about her 18 month affair with the late President Kennedy while she was a 19 year old intern at the White House. We all know of the many dalliances of this flawed human being, and you can fill a wing of a library with what has been written about him, his beautiful wife and the things that went on before and during his presidency. Regardless of how you feel about this man though, isn't enough, enough. I don't care about one more woman who bedded him. His reputation as a ladies man has been out there for over fifty years, so what else is new? This lady (?) though, apparently tells all the lurid details, not leaving out any of the salacious acts that she claims to have done with the president and his aide. She said she had kept this secret for 50 years and writing this book gave her a voice. It is not a voice I need to hear. She used the word "mortify" as she described her feelings about one particular incident in her book. How could she not be mortified in writing about it though. In telling her secret, she will make loads of money, she will be a celebrity for about 15 minutes and then she will go away. She is just a less than minor blip in the news. The Kennedys will get over it as they have gotten over so much more in their lives However, this author's family will know her differently, and I can't imagine that they are all proud.
If they serve no good purpose and can possibly hurt innocent people, some secrets should go to the grave with us. Our good name is all we have and to sell it for 30 pieces of silver, seems so repugnant. We should want to leave this world with class, not crass.
Every now and then I feel the need to get on a soapbox.
This past week, an almost 70 year old woman has been hawking a book about her 18 month affair with the late President Kennedy while she was a 19 year old intern at the White House. We all know of the many dalliances of this flawed human being, and you can fill a wing of a library with what has been written about him, his beautiful wife and the things that went on before and during his presidency. Regardless of how you feel about this man though, isn't enough, enough. I don't care about one more woman who bedded him. His reputation as a ladies man has been out there for over fifty years, so what else is new? This lady (?) though, apparently tells all the lurid details, not leaving out any of the salacious acts that she claims to have done with the president and his aide. She said she had kept this secret for 50 years and writing this book gave her a voice. It is not a voice I need to hear. She used the word "mortify" as she described her feelings about one particular incident in her book. How could she not be mortified in writing about it though. In telling her secret, she will make loads of money, she will be a celebrity for about 15 minutes and then she will go away. She is just a less than minor blip in the news. The Kennedys will get over it as they have gotten over so much more in their lives However, this author's family will know her differently, and I can't imagine that they are all proud.
If they serve no good purpose and can possibly hurt innocent people, some secrets should go to the grave with us. Our good name is all we have and to sell it for 30 pieces of silver, seems so repugnant. We should want to leave this world with class, not crass.
Every now and then I feel the need to get on a soapbox.
I respect your beliefs, but they are not mine.
ReplyDeleteShe must be dreadfully in need of cash to sell her soul like that.
ReplyDeleteI think it might be the fame(?)over money in this case. Her main regret about the whole thing is that she never got to tell her parents. Oh, how proud they would have been.
DeleteI agree with Delores. Money has to be the key issue. Fame is pretty hard to grab, while money isn't. She didn't tell her parents?? Darn.
ReplyDeleteNow I think 50 years is long enough to have taken this secret to the grave...I do not know how people can get rich off telling in lurid details how they had sex with a famous famous man or woman..but they do..suckers who buy those books have no class much crass..Now if a person was raped by another I think it is good to tell the truth and let it frees the victim a lot..I think people who rape others and think they get away with well their Karma should take care of those people, I have advocated for rape victims and battered women and men for many years telling what happened out and clear helps one to move on if one can truly move on...I think this lady is just a person who needs money and found a book company who would pay her for her lurid details, her parents were spared her lurid details but the world has not been spared her karma will catch up with her, Kennedy's only surviving child Caroline is still alive and her children could she write a book and make it difficult for them to live their lives? like I said money is a big motivator, but one can always work like anyone else and make some money...shame on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteArleen, I so agree.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. If it is hurtful, don't say it.
ReplyDeleteRight on Arleeen. The only possible motive here is money. And how much is she remembering correctly 50 years later? I'd bet some young relative who stands to inherit goaded her into it, too.
ReplyDeleteWhy now? For that matter, why ever? Disclosure serves no good, other than possibly lining that woman's pockets with some tainted silver. Disgusting.
ReplyDeleteI am sure she will sell quite a few books.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly.
ReplyDeleteI won't be reading it.
ReplyDeleteDear Arleen,
ReplyDeleteYou expressed my thoughts exactly. Crass. I heard her interviewed on national news--CBS I think at 5:30 pm. She was trying to explain why she wrote the book and her words simply fell short for me. Thank you for expressing my own distaste for this book.
Bet she sold her story for more than 30 pieces of silver!
ReplyDeleteBut it's all part of the idealization of that particular era in American politics, don't you think? The fact that a sitting president had sex with a teenager is historically pertinent, in my mind.
ReplyDeleteOthers may disagree. :-)
Wow - I had not heard of this book until I read your post. And it screams of money! 50 years after the fact? This makes me sad.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree with you more. I saw her on THE VIEW.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree!! JFK and family, Marilyn, Anna Nicole...blah, blah, blah. After 50 years, I think "R.I.P" should mean something. And what does it say for us as human beings that some still fall for this rubbish and can't get enough? Get a life, people. Preferably you own!
ReplyDeleteWell said! I get really tired of people making a profit from stuff they have no right to be cashing in on. I really am disgusted by tell all books, anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't hurt to take secrets with us when we go. It's the best place for them!
Thanks for your comments earlier today on my blog! So true, we don't know what's going to happen, and we dont' have much control. And, we certainly don't need to be bugging others over our beliefs, because no one really knows anything! Loved your thoughts!